Pizza For The Hungry 2010: Donors

Pizza Project Donors: ($ 1 - $99)
Thank you all for making so many smiles happen.

Pizza Project Pillars: (donated at least $100)
Sunita Sukhraj
Lee Kantor
Hosain Malick
Amit and Mansi Patel
Sarah Grigsby
AA Film Studios
Amber Khan
Oosman Abdulla
Jenifer Kramer
Steve Van Wyke
Aysha and Razak Buddha
Scott and Linda Frishman
Amos Posner

Pizza Project Provider: (donated at least $500)
AFST Management
Doctor Avraham Henoch: Bronx office
Doctor Avraham Henoch: Manhattan office: Pizzas for the Love Kitchen (Manhattan, NY)
Housecalls NY: Pizzas for The Women's Shelter (Columbia, South Carolina)
Ocean Drive Realty: Pizzas for St. Lucy's Shelter (Jersey City, NJ)
Law offices of Constantine Bardis: Pizzas for Market Street Mission in Morristown, NJ
ARYA Interntional
Rita Powers Talent Management: Pizzas for Hospitality House in Staten Island, NY
Abhishek Decorators
Jamie Bright Forman

Pizza Giving Circles:
Sunita Sukhraj Circle
Susan C. Lucas Circle

Pizza Project Sponsors:
Please support our sponsors as they care about their community

La Lanterna Di Vittorio : Great Cafe with excellent food and excellent ambience
Natural Look Salon : Great Aveda hair salon with amazing staff in Queens Center Mall
Bliss Spa

Special Thanks:
Desirai Labrada (our excellent webmaster toils silently in cyberspace)